Brian E Johnson

Discord: CowQuack#4706

Picture of me


My name is Brian Johnson. I am currently studying for a game development degree. I have a pet boxer, three older brothers and a younger sister.

What I hope to learn from this course

I hope to learn better and more efficent ways to program. I hope the challenges that this class brings would help me have a better grasp at certain ways of coding. I also would like to see how working wiht others making code would change how its fully created. Only having experince in making my own code by myself isnt really helpful in a real world setting where I would have to work with my fellow peers.

My Favorite Hobby/Activity

My favorite hobbies include playing video games and working out. A hobby I would like to try soon is rock climbing, but havent had the time to go to a gym for it.

Fun Fact

I was in academic decathlon my senior year of highschool and made it to the state level.

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